Lessons in Watercolor

Note: Lessons are currently on hold as I am preparing to move to New Hampshire in spring 2025.

Watercolor Lessons

     I teach three levels of watercolor classes. These are small group lessons with 3 or 4 adults; we meet in my basement studio in Pittsfield. Each “session” contains six 2-2.5 hr lessons and usually runs for 6 weeks, but sometimes weather plays havoc with the schedule. I do promise that each student will get 6 full lessons.  We plan makeup sessions that works for everyone. 

Here is how I define them:

               Absolute Beginner – for those who are brand new to watercolors. This is the class where it is ok if you have never picked up a wc brush before. This class addresses the different brushes, papers, paints. I also go into basic color theory and color mixing. The basic techniques I will cover are wet into wet, dry brush, painting a few different types of washes, scraping, some simple uses of salt and masking fluid and we will touch on using gesso. But really, it is all about knowing what your paints can do, gaining a comfort level with your new tools and learning a few basic techniques to get you going. While there is a good bit of theory involved, I do try to get you painting something right away. Plus, I will have you create your own workbook. I did my own years ago and still add to it and refer back to it frequently.

               6 weeks – 2.5 hrs per session for total of 15 hrs. Cost is $325 (paid at first class).


               Beginner – for those who are “somewhat” comfortable with watercolor painting, have done so a little in the past and know the techniques listed above, but need more direction to gain confidence. Students who have completed my Absolute Beginner classes can go right into this one. There is less theory and more painting. In this class I will demo various techniques such as simple layering, more complicated washes, more use of masking fluids, spattering, glazing, color correction, use of other texture producing items (plastic wrap, sponges, corks, gesso), and more in depth color mixing. You will work on your own project….a scene/subject that you personally want to paint. We will discuss this in more detail in the first class…..you don’t want to select something too complicated just yet. Typically I start the class with a demo of a technique, then you will start working on your own project and I will help you incorporate the techniques.

               6 weeks – 2.5 hrs per session for total of 15 hrs. Cost is $325 per 6-week session (paid at first class) or $60 per 2.5 hr lesson pay per week – good if you know you must miss some.


               Advanced Beginner/Intermediate – I continue to demo more complicated techniques as needed/requested and work with each of you individually in applying various techniques to your own projects. In this class is it ok for mixed skills to be together, as long as you already know the basic theory. I find we all learn from one another. Some of the more complicated demos may include painting watercolors on canvas, multi-level layering, basically anything that I know I will teach you. It will also include some basic framing/matting techniques.

6 weeks – 2 hrs per session for total of 12 hrs. Cost is $250 per 6-week session (paid at first class) or $45 per 2hr lesson  – good if you know you must miss some.

I do not have a rigid class schedule. I do try to hold one session of each level 4 times a year. If you are interested in taking lessons please contact me and I will give you all the details of when the next session will happen and openings. 

Some additional information about my philosophy behind my teaching technique…..

     For many years I have been asked about the techniques I use to produce my paintings, particularly my house portraits and the “local color” series. I’ll be honest, I have no secrets. I use methods I have found in books, classes, magazines, and from other artists. Maybe I do a little modifying and customizing to suit my own needs sometimes too. No magic, but lots of practice and a willingness to experiment.

A Different Kind of Lesson
     In recent years there has been a popular “painting party” trend….drink and paint…probably a lot of fun. Please do not confuse the lessons I give with this type of event…I provide serious lessons for those who really want to learn how to paint and are willing to put in the effort. And while we always have fun, its not party time, it’s learning time, and there is homework too.
    Also, there are plenty of other lessons available in this area where you can learn the watercolor basics from start to finish, where you may all focus on the same still life or landscape with each student painting the subject in their own way. Those are fine; in fact, I learned to paint in that type of setting as well. But that’s not what these sessions will be about.
     I plan to work with you on the techniques YOU are interested in learning. You will learn and practice them, then apply these to your own painting…which will be a scene that you choose, not me.  I am happy to share everything I know about watercolor painting. But the best part is while you will be learning some new stuff; you will go home with a painting that is uniquely yours. 

What About Style?
     I have painted quite a bit over the years. For the first few I wondered how a painter develops his/her “style” and when would I develop my own. I eventually discovered that it doesn’t happen that way…..your style will find you! If you paint enough and have gained some expertise in the medium, you will eventually notice that it’s there. I want my paintings, good or bad, to have my own personal “brand” or style. And when I teach someone the things I have learned, I want them to be able to understand and apply the various techniques without losing an iota of their own style. That’s important to me.

What Next?
     Contact me if you are interested.  For those in the “Absolute Beginner” class, I will provide a list of items you will need to get started.
You will bring the materials you have and we will play with them. I will make sure you understand what your brushes can do and how to mix colors. If you have none we will talk about that…I always have suggestions as to supplies that would be most appropriate. Plus I always stress using high quality paper…it makes an incredible difference, even to brand new painters. I keep a supply of 300lb Arches sheets for my students to purchase.  Lighter weight paper is fine for testing and practice, so always bring that as well.

     I am totally comfortable around computers and use one everyday. Often instead of creating the time-honored painter’s thumbnails, I use a computer to speed up this process in order for me to get to the “low-tech” part more quickly. There are so many ways a computer can be useful in painting…however,  that being said, computers are not needed to learn to paint, so do not have a concern if you do not want to bother with them.