Holiday Globes are Here!!!

JUST ARRIVED……a shipment of Pittsfield Holiday Globes! They will be going out to stores and shows and other places soon, but you can get them directly from me NOW. $15 each or 4/$50…in a cute little red gift box….such a deal!!!! A little history…it is the 100th anniversary of this image painted on the inside of the globe…my painting, Christmas on Park Square 1912, was based upon a very old sepia image taken…yep…in 1912.  Get yours while they last!

These make a great hostess gift or work grab bag….email me and I will get yours right to you!

Pittsfield Holiday Globe


Winter’s Coming

And it is my favorite season to paint! Here is a winter version of  the Clock Tower. I’m getting some new scenes done for two exhibits coming up in November and December….details about these shows very very soon.

Clock Tower in Winter

Announcing my new website and blog

It’s time…it may not be totally completed yet, but I think it’s time for this site to go public. It’s a little scary, my first serious adventure into creating a wordpress site from scratch. I know I have more to do…detail pages about the paintings, and that is slowly getting done.

Here is my lastest painting, completed just yesterday. A commission for a House Portrait was auctioned off at the Shaker-Shalom fund-raiser at Hancock Shaker Village in August…and this is the house.

Clock Tower - Autumn

SEASONS at Hancock Shaker Village

The show was hung yesterday, August 28….50 pieces from 4 artists….it was amazing to watch it go from an assortment of individual pieces to a beautifully co-ordinated exhibit. Four artists…we all viewed and painted the same subject…but how differently it was interpreted by each of each of us.



Late Summer and Remainder of 2012

I will be in my studio at 311 North Street during the First Fridays Artswalks in Pittsfield. They will be held throughout the year on each first Friday of the month from 5 – 8 pm..

August 1 – 31, 2012
25 Union Street   Pittsfield, MA

Gallery 25, 25 Union Street, Pittsfield is located across the street from Barrington Stage.  Hours are Thursday through Saturday, 12-5PM, and also 1/2 hour before every Barrington Stage show and during intermission.

September 1 – October 28
Hancock Shaker Village
Route 20, Hancock, MA.
Artist reception August 31, 5-7 pm
 4 artists in a Group Show at displaying “village – related” paintings. Artists are Scott Taylor, Michael Cohen, Ivor Parry and Marge Bride.  “Return and Learn” talks by artists on September 8.

November 1 – 28
Duo Exhibit
Old Chatham Country Store Cafe Gallery, Old Chatham, NY.
This exhibit is a duo show with Scott Taylor. Artist reception Sunday, November 4, 3-5pm. Visit for more details and directions.

December 1-2
Alchemy Initiative Holiday Art and Crafts Show
Masonic Temple

South Street, Pittsfield
Visit for more information about this show.

December 3-31
25 Union Street   Pittsfield, MA
Reception on Friday, December 7, 5-8 pm in conjunction with First Fridays ArtsWalk events.

Pittsfield’s First Fridays Artswalk starts on May 4

Starting on May 4, 2012, Pittsfield’s brand new arts event will commence. More than 25 venues are now taking part in exhibiting art from local and regional artists. I will be exhibiting my work in my studio at the Art on No Studios at 311 North Street. for all the details.

Join us every first Friday of each month year round to meet the artists and see some fabulous art.

Read the Introductory Press Release:  PR-Intro-FirstFridaysArtswalk

Read inaugural lineup of artists and venues for the May 4th Frist Friday:  May 4 FFA PR

And now (drum roll please) ……..


Pittsfield Parade Poster

The posters are now available! My painting, based upon the theme “Movie Classics”, is now the official 2012 Pittsfield Parade poster and it can be yours for a donation of $25.

Visit the Pittsfield Parade website to place your order.

I have to admit, I sure had a lot of fun creating this painting. There are 43 identifible characters in it…can you name them all?